Starting Over: How to Keep Your Sanity While Planning a New Garden

My fellow plant-lover, If today finds you in a new home, looking out the window at a landscape planted by someone else, you’re probably feeling overwhelmed, and a little frustrated. Even if creating a garden at this new home is important to you, it will likely go on the back burner until you’ve taken downContinue reading “Starting Over: How to Keep Your Sanity While Planning a New Garden”

Snails, Slugs, and Things That Go Bump in the Night

As Halloween came and went this year, I found myself considering the cast of creepy crawly things and four-legged nocturnal creatures that roam our gardens while we sleep. The sound of my metal compost bucket being turned over in the night no longer startles me. It is likely a possum, raccoon, or possibly a ratContinue reading “Snails, Slugs, and Things That Go Bump in the Night”

Celebrate the Fall Season with Easy Container Plantings

After a long, hot summer in the South, I breathe a sigh of relief when temperatures finally drop into the seventies. This means I can once again spend long hours in my garden, moving plants, planting the last of cool season vegetables, and getting those chores done that I have put off since August.  ItContinue reading “Celebrate the Fall Season with Easy Container Plantings”