The dark month of January is not a happy one for me, even in a normal year, and 2020 has left me feeling adrift, along with the rest of the world. This month we are passengers on our own tiny life rafts, clinging to the hope that 2021 represents, when life will perhaps begin toContinue reading “Good Things to Come”
Author Archives: roxannward_eplwpc
Creating a Simple Woodland Garden
So many homes in the South have back yards that are framed by woodland. When lots are cleared for housing, builders tend to leave existing trees in side yards and back yards, while carving out a space for that much sought-after lawn for children and pets. While most homeowners are focused on greening up theirContinue reading “Creating a Simple Woodland Garden”
Starting Over: How to Keep Your Sanity While Planning a New Garden
My fellow plant-lover, If today finds you in a new home, looking out the window at a landscape planted by someone else, you’re probably feeling overwhelmed, and a little frustrated. Even if creating a garden at this new home is important to you, it will likely go on the back burner until you’ve taken downContinue reading “Starting Over: How to Keep Your Sanity While Planning a New Garden”
Simple Pairings for Beautiful Blooms
I fell hard for flowering shrubs during my first spring in the South. There is no doubt that the spring and summer borders of shocking-pink azaleas and voluptuous hydrangeas I saw around town led to my obsession with all things flowering. When I lived in the Midwest I was perhaps too preoccupied with the worriesContinue reading “Simple Pairings for Beautiful Blooms”
How an Idea Became a Book About Gardening and Happiness
I’ve spent the last few years writing a book. In all honesty, this wasn’t something I set out to do. I never wanted to be a published writer, though I do have a degree in Journalism from a fine school, where I imagined I might have a career writing advertising copy. Like many who graduatedContinue reading “How an Idea Became a Book About Gardening and Happiness”
Snails, Slugs, and Things That Go Bump in the Night
As Halloween came and went this year, I found myself considering the cast of creepy crawly things and four-legged nocturnal creatures that roam our gardens while we sleep. The sound of my metal compost bucket being turned over in the night no longer startles me. It is likely a possum, raccoon, or possibly a ratContinue reading “Snails, Slugs, and Things That Go Bump in the Night”
Designing with Plants that Like Wet Feet
Most people would feel disappointment once they realize that part of their yard is a mud pit after a rainstorm. Not me. I like a challenge. After living in my new home for a year or so, I noticed that part of an unplanted border was consistently damp. Rain would puddle in this area andContinue reading “Designing with Plants that Like Wet Feet”
Get Out in the Garden with Your Kids This Fall
As we look toward what will certainly be an atypical winter, I have been thinking about what I might plant this fall if I had small children at home. By the time February arrives, I suspect we will all be looking for any excuse to get out of the house on a sunny day. ItContinue reading “Get Out in the Garden with Your Kids This Fall”
Abelia, You’ve Stolen My Heart
There was a brief moment this summer when I felt like my childhood self, fully present, watching butterflies float around me, listening to the birds, and feeling the dappled sunlight on my face. I was sitting in the middle of a path lined with abelias, a plant that I have fallen in love with. InContinue reading “Abelia, You’ve Stolen My Heart”
Celebrate the Fall Season with Easy Container Plantings
After a long, hot summer in the South, I breathe a sigh of relief when temperatures finally drop into the seventies. This means I can once again spend long hours in my garden, moving plants, planting the last of cool season vegetables, and getting those chores done that I have put off since August. ItContinue reading “Celebrate the Fall Season with Easy Container Plantings”