Southern gardeners love their evergreens, whether it’s a towering magnolia or a boxwood sphere. Woody ornamentals that don’t drop their leaves in the fall are especially useful here in the South where our winter landscapes tend to be colored in shades of buff and brown. Here’s a look at some of the colorful plants, largeContinue reading “Evergreens to Love”
Author Archives: roxannward_eplwpc
Dreaming of Spring
The glittering holiday evenings are over and January marks the beginning of the long wait for spring for those of us that love to garden. This is the month that I tell myself not to think about anything garden-related. I don’t need to lie awake at 4 a.m. debating about what to plant in thatContinue reading “Dreaming of Spring”
A Garden Snapshot 2023
It’s December here in Georgia, and as the year draws to a close, I’d like to share some of my favorite plant photos and garden views from the last twelve months. Hellebores, or Lenten roses, are the highlight of my winter garden and they lure me outside while I wait for signs of spring. InContinue reading “A Garden Snapshot 2023”
What Goes with What: A Cheat Sheet for Your Summer Garden
Although it’s a bit early to plant annuals here in zone 8, there are plenty of people, including me, checking out the flower displays at the local garden center this week. When you stop in to buy fertilizer, it only makes sense to walk through the plant aisles and look at all of those temptingContinue reading “What Goes with What: A Cheat Sheet for Your Summer Garden”
My Top Ten Useful Things for the Garden
Back in the day, Martha Stewart would share something wonderful (a tool, a kitchen gadget) and declare “It’s a Good Thing”, and we believed her. This month I thought I would share a few of my favorite things, from overalls to garden tools – and maybe even a plant or two. WORK OVERALLS. I neverContinue reading “My Top Ten Useful Things for the Garden”
Spring has Sprung
Here in Georgia, winter brought arctic cold and weeks of rain, followed by unseasonably mild temperatures for the month of February. March has arrived and it appears that mother nature has thrown off her covers and decided that it is spring. In my zone 8a garden this week mama wren is building her nest in theContinue reading “Spring has Sprung”
Oh Just Snap Out of It .
I have no right to complain. My garden is not covered with a foot of snow, nor is it buried under a layer of ice, but nevertheless I’m cranky about the state of things. No matter how I might try to write a few cheerful paragraphs about some aspect of winter gardening, I can’t seemContinue reading “Oh Just Snap Out of It .”
A Year in the Garden
As I look through garden photos from 2022, I’m reminded of the fun I had this year simply watching plants grow. What strikes me now, as I look at the sunlight streaming through the bare branches in my back garden, is how peaceful everything looks. We don’t have many snowy or icy mornings here inContinue reading “A Year in the Garden”
Companion Plants for the Regal Camellia
It’s bloom season for the Camellia sasanqua here in the South, and looking around it’s not hard to understand why she’s the queen of the winter garden. While she’s beautiful on her own, I like to add a variety of both foliage and flowering plants around my camellias to finish the look. I thought I’dContinue reading “Companion Plants for the Regal Camellia”
There’s Always Next Year
What I’m planning to do better in 2023… The fall season is winding down in my Georgia garden. Luckily, some of my favorite plants seem to be shrugging off the cold, at least for now. My camellias are loaded with blooms and looking gorgeous. If I could figure out a way to squeeze just oneContinue reading “There’s Always Next Year”